Deserving Life

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Deserving Life
Deserving life1.jpg
Developer Lukas Paul, Gabriel Mittermair
Publisher Deserving Life
Platform SteamVR
Device HTC Vive
Operating System Windows
Type Full Game
Genre Free to Play, Free to Play, VR, Horror
Input Device Tracked Motion Controllers
Play Area Room-Scale
Game Mode Single Player
Language English, German
Review N/A
Release Date Oct 13, 2017
Price Free
App Store Steam
Infobox Updated 11/06/2017
Deserving Life is a VR App.


Deserving Life is a room-scale virtual reality escape game for the HTC Vive and was developed by students in the Media Technology and Design program at the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

You awake to find yourself chained down in an unfamiliar house. Can you solve all the riddles and find your way to freedom?

Interact with your environment and combine the available resources to overcome each obstacle and find a way out of your misery. Up to eight individual rooms await you, each packed with a series of challenges that were specially designed for the HTC Vive's room-scale features.

You’re alive. But can you escape?


System Requirements



  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel i5-4590
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
  • Storage: 300 MB available space


  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel i7-4770
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
  • Storage: 300 MB available space

Setup Instructions

This VR game requires a play area of at least 2m x 2m.

Images and Videos