Oculus Home
Oculus Home is the official Virtual Reality Portal and community hub for the Oculus Rift (Platform). It serves as the central place where users browse, buy and launch apps and interact with other users. Oculus Home will become accessible on Rift VR Devices such as DK1, DK2, CV1 and Samsung Gear VR. It features a head-tracked and ergonomic interface that is ideal for wearers of HMDs. As soon as you put on your Oculus headset, you are transported to Oculus Home. Additionally, Oculus Home has a 2D interface that can be accessed on PC or mobile, without an HMD.
As of May 2015, Oculus Home can only be accessed on Samsung smartphones compatible with Samsung Gear VR. PC and Rift versions are scheduled to be released with the Rift in Q1 2016.
Friend list and interacting with other users
2D interface on PC and mobile devices.