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32 bytes added, 08:17, 7 December 2015
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'''Timewarp''' or / '''Time warping''' also known as '''reprojection''' is a technique in [[VR]] that warps the rendered image before sending it to the display to correct for the head movement occurred after the rendering.<ref name=ATW blog1"></ref> Timewarp can reduce [[latency]] and increase or maintain [[frame rate]]. Additionally, it can reduce [[judder]] caused missed frames (when frames take too long to render).<ref name="YT1"></ref> This process takes the already rendered image, modify it with freshly collected positional information from your [[HMD]]'s sensors, then display it to your screen. Utilizing [[depth maps]] ([[Z Buffers]]) already present in the engine, Timewarp requires very little computation.
Timewarp is a feature of [[Oculus SDK]]. It was initially released in the version 0.3.1 of the SDK. [[#Positional Timewarp|Positional Timewarp]] was introduced in [[Oculus PC SDK]] 0.6.0<ref></ref>.

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