Oculus Touch

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Oculus Touch
Oculus touch1.jpg
Basic Info
Type Input Device, Motion Tracker
Subtype Hands/Fingers Tracking, Haptics
Platform Oculus Rift
Developer Oculus VR
Release Date First half 2016
Website https://www.oculus.com/en-us/rift/
Operating System Windows, Mac, Linux
Tracking 6DOF
Rotational Tracking IMUs
Positional Tracking External camera sensor
Input Analog stick, 2 buttons, 2 triggers, hand gestures
Oculus Touch also known as the Half Moon is the first unique Input Device for the Oculus Rift. Oculus Touch consist of 2 mirror-image controllers, 1 held in each hand. These wireless controllers are motion tracked by the same Constellation tracking system that tracks the Rift HMD. Oculus Touch has traditional gamepad controls such as analog stick, buttons and triggers along with the abilities to detect hand gestures and provide haptic feeback.

Oculus Touch was revealed alongside Oculus Rift CV1, on June 11, 2015 during Oculus VR's Pre-E3 Special Live Event.


  • Hand presence - the sense of your virtual hands are the same as your natural hands. Your hands are tracked with accuracy and low latency.
  • Manipulation - precise manipulation of virtual objects. For example, user should be able to pick up a gun, fire it then discard it without having to think about it.
  • Low mental load - instinctively interact with objects in VR. Use the controllers effortlessly like how you use your real hands in the real world.
  • Communicative gestures - hand gestures are detected. Gestures such as pointing, waving and giving the thumbs up are useful for social interactions.
  • Transitional inputs - gamepad inputs such as analog stick, buttons and triggers. These time-tested input methods allow traditional gaming experiences to fuse with new VR experiences.
  • Lightweight - lightweight and ergonomic, easy to get into and out of. The controller has to be comfortable for long periods of usage.[1]


Traditional Controls

One wireless Oculus Touch is held in each hand. 2 Oculus Touch controllers are designed to operate simultaneously. Some of the controller's features are similar to that of a traditional gamepad. It has 1 analog stick and 2 buttons on top and 2 triggers, 1 for the index finger located in front and 1 for the middle finger on the side.


Oculus Touch achieves high precision, low latency, 6DOF tracking through the same Constellation tracking system as the Rift headset. IR LEDs are placed on the controllers' bodies and rings, allowing them to be tracked by the same positional tracking sensor that tracks the HMD. The LEDs on the outer rings prevent occlusion caused by your hands. In addition to positional tracking, controllers possess built-in IMUs that allow rotational tracking.

Gesture Sensing

The device has a matrix of sensors mounted inside that keep track of your fingers and detect hand gestures.


You grip the controller similar to how you shake someone's hand. Your thumb is placed on top of the controller and handles the analog stick and 2 buttons. Your index finger is placed in front and is responsible for a trigger there. Your other 3 fingers grip the handle of the controller with your middle finger responsible for a trigger on the side.

When you hold the controller, your hand is in a comfortable natural resting position. When you grab something or pick something up in VR, you activate the side trigger with your middle finger and grip of your hand becomes tighter. It simulates the natural motion of grasping an object in real life.


Toy Box - Oculus Rift's internal testing app used to design Oculus Touch and experiment with new features. It is a multiplayer, sandbox game.



Oculus touch2.jpg Oculus touch3.jpg


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx6sO0Lwmr8