Worlds Adrift

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Worlds Adrift
VR/AR Virtual Reality
Developer Bossa Studios
Publisher Bossa Studios
Type Full Game
Genre Adventure, Survival, Open World, Exploration
Game Mode Multiplayer, MMO
Release Date 2016
Website Worlds Adrift
Infobox Updated 8/19/2016

Worlds Adrift Worlds Adrift an unscripted, sandbox game with real-time physics developed by Bossa Studios, the creators of Surgeon Simulator and I am Bread. The game is set in a persistent world where player’s actions make a long-lasting impact. The final price is yet to be determined, but the game is going to use “pay once and play forever” payment model. [1]

Game Details

Set in a universe that was destroyed by the overmining of precious metal known as the Atlas stone, Bossa Studios wants to create a new type of MMO that would feature a game world with universal persistence. This means that actions of other players would have consequences beyond a particular server, but would, instead, change the world for all other players of the game. This opens a path for branching narration and other interesting features. [2]

According to co-founder of Bossa Studious Henrique Olifiers, “The gist of it is, every single thing in the world is an entity. Every single thing is a real thing that is there forever, until someone acts upon it.” [3] This is possible because Worlds Adrift is one of the first games created using Improbable's unique technology, which allows Bossa Studios to simulate real-world physics on a scale never achieved before, for thousands of players in real-time.

Players will be able to build a legendary skyship and escape to the clouds, forming a crew to seek the lost history of this mysterious world, perform exploration, craft, and participate in exciting airship battles. A winner ship won’t be determined by a traditional leveling system, but rather by its actual physical ability modeled after the real world. [4]


The story of the game is set a thousand years ago when a cataclysmic event shattered a world into floating islands scattered across an endless skyline. Civilizations tumbled, societies collapsed, and all seemed lost.

From the rubble emerged ragtag bands of nomads, who fly makeshift skyships from island to island, scavenging for resources to keep moving. Forgotten fragments of the technologies developed by civilizations who built much, and oversaw the collapse of it all can be used by players to build greater and more powerful skyships that carry them further, past the crushing wind walls, through devastating lightning storms, to entirely undiscovered islands holding the mysteries of an earlier age.

Players can either work alone or with a crew of friends to create their own stories and rebuild the fallen society. As they do, they shape the world of the game with their actions. [5]


Improbable, the technology that powers much of Worlds Adrift, was created by a London-based studio to power seamless, persistent online experiences. They partnered in 2014 with Bossa Studious to create Worlds Adrift. The game reached a playable stage shortly after as a result of efforts of roughly a half-dozen Bossa designers. [6]

Improbable handles the artificial intelligence, physics, connections between online players, and even software updates. It also allows for a single game to be visualized on a variety of devices and formats. The software makes the development of online games cheaper and more efficient. [7]

System Requirements

To be announced.

