
Revision as of 00:27, 31 December 2016 by Neo222 (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 00:27, 31 December 2016 by Neo222 (talk | contribs)

Information icon1.png This page is a stub, please expand it if you have more information.
Type Seated
Required Devices Gamepad
Description Using the analog stick from a gamepad, players will move in that direction in discreet steps, similar to miniature teleportations. This method removes all vection, hence eliminating simulator sickness with first person locomotion.
Pros Reduces simulator sickness and improve player comfort
Cons  ???
Creator IrisVR, VR Bits
Examples  ???
Cloudstep is a Locomotion Method.


Additional Information

Cloudstep explanation

Created by IrisVR and VR Bits, Cloudstep is a zero vection, first person locomotion method originally developed for Technolust. Using the analog stick from a gamepad, players will move in that direction in discreet steps, similar to miniature teleportations. This method removes all vection, hence eliminating simulator sickness with first person locomotion. Vection is the enemy of VR. As Amity explains in the clip below, when your see the world move around you and you don't feel the Gs, your brain thinks you're poisoned.

  • Cloudstep is designed for a sitting playing experience.

Cloudstep also gives the game a very cool feel. Sort of like an oldschool dungeon crawler. Cloudstep is toggleable. We found that people don’t really care about how they get from one place to another in VR, as long as it doesn’t make them sick doing so. With the CV1’s 360 tracking, its very comfortable to move around with Cloudstep whilst standing, rotate with your body and explore the area you are presently in to it’s fullest by walking a few steps around, crouching and leaning.


