Hyperide VR

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Hyperide VR
Hyperide vr1.jpg
Developer Kool2Play
Publisher Kool2Play
Platform SteamVR, Oculus Rift (Platform)
Device HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, OSVR
Operating System Windows
Type Full Game
Genre Action, VR
Input Device Keyboard / Mouse
Play Area Seated, Standing
Game Mode Single Player
Language English
Review N/A
Release Date Oct 26, 2017
Price $7.99
App Store Steam
Website http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=722070
Infobox Updated 11/06/2017
Hyperide VR is a VR App.


Hyperide VR is a game in which player as a commander of speedy hypership have to protect IMS Horizon - a cargo spaceship under pirate attack. In order to survive player needs to master dodging maneuvers, maintaining ship's internal energy through collecting high-octane crystals and shoot the oncoming obstacles. Hyperide offers a unique opportunity to travel at warp speeds and jump through wormholes to discover the far reaches of the Universe expanding over four breathtaking quadrants of the void. During their adventure, brave space commanders will need to find in themselves enough courage to save the stranded astronauts and avenge them in grande finale. All this is just a taste of what Hyperide VR has to offer.

Key features:

- Astonishing design dedicated to VR immersive experience
- Arcade obstacle-dodging action in space
- 3 different void quadrants and an old-school boss fight
- Adrenaline-packed challenge
- Highly polished visuals and sound to make the outer space even more awesome
- Hyper speed, ships, jumps, galaxies, multinational astronauts, and many other hyper features


System Requirements



  • OS: Windows 7 SP1 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel i5-6400 equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD R9 290 equivalent
  • Storage: 400 MB available space

Setup Instructions

This VR game requires the use of a keyboard and mouse.

Images and Videos