Revision as of 18:32, 7 January 2016 by Shadowdawn (talk | contribs) (Design and operation)

Revision as of 18:32, 7 January 2016 by Shadowdawn (talk | contribs) (Design and operation)

VRGO is a new kind of motion controller for virtual reality that uses tilting and spinning to control movement. It connects with PC or smartphone via a low latency wireless connection, and offers compatibility with all games that support keyboard or joypad input.


The concept behind VRGO

VRGO addresses the issue of movement in virtual reality. Its creators recognize that traditional controllers are not suited for virtual worlds, but they also see that only a limited number of end users can afford to use a big, stationary omnidirectional treadmill. That’s why the VRGO allows for hands-free movement, while still being small enough to fit almost any space.

Its sculpted seat and high friction pads give users the opportunity to use the natural movement of the human body to move inside the virtual world. This system builds on the simple fact that players immersed in virtual reality have an innate tendency to move their body in the same way as they want to move their virtual character. The simple act of leaning can be easily translated into a full range of movement and rotation.

Design and operation

VRGO’s design is closely similar to an exercise ball. Its shape helps to promote a good posture, and is suitable for long sessions, unlike many other full-body VR controllers.

The chassis is built from aircraft grade materials and it’s weighted at the bottom to keep the center of gravity low for extra stability. The overall size and weight have been kept to a minimum, which makes the VRGO easy to transport and store. The device even houses a convenient storage area for a VR headset or various accessories.

When connected to a PC, the unit can automatically switch between analog and digital input. Games that support joypad control will benefit from analog motion detection, and games that support only keyboard will accommodate only walking and sprinting. By default, a small movement on the chair will act as a larger movement in VR. However, users can adjust this setting as they please.


