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Developer Occipital
Requires iPhone 6/6S,iPhone 7,iPhone 8
Operating System iOS 9+
Display iPhone Display
Resolution 326 PPI
Refresh Rate 60fps
Optics PMMA Optical-Grade Acrylic
Tracking 6DOF
Positional Tracking Inside-out tracking
Latency Low
Sensors Structure Sensor
Input Bridge Controller


Fancy keeping a pet dragon in your living room? Occipital open up that possibility with the introduction of Bridge, a mobile VR headset that integrates with its proven Structure Sensor to blend VR into the physical world seamlessly, creating the world of Mixed Reality for iPhone users.

Touted as the first-ever mobile VR headset with wireless self-contained positional tracking, a standard version of Bridge is priced at $399 and scheduled to ship in March 2017, 4 months after limited Explorer Edition of Bridge meant for developers was released at $499.


The success of Occipital’s Bridge Mixed Reality headset greatly relies on the Structure Sensor, a fascinating technology made of cameras and sensors that are meant to capture the depth maps of an object within a 10ft x 10ft area.

The Structure Sensor that made inside-out positional tracking possible, is a technology developed by Occipital in 2013, originally as an augmented reality 3D scanner for iPad. Users who tried Bridge claimed high accuracy in the positional tracking technology it offers.


With a headset that allows the user to strap on their iPhone and the Structure Sensors sitting on top of it, one would have expected a bulky hardware. But reviewers who have got their hand on the units claimed that it is, in fact, a comfortable experience.

The front cover is secured with a strong magnet that assures your iPhone stays firmly in place. An adjustable plastic side-head strap and a textile one that goes over the head allows the user to fit the headset comfortably.

With three to four hours of rechargeable battery for the Structure Sensors, your iPhone battery would last longer while you’re immersed in Mixed Reality.

Technical Specifications

  • Device : iPhone 6/6s, iPhone 7
  • OS : iOS9+
  • Resolution : 326ppi
  • Refresh Rate : 60fps
  • Camera Input To Fully Tracked Pose : 10ms
  • Lens : 38mm PMMA Optical-Grade Acrylic


Developers would need Bridge Engine SDK to create and deploy mixed reality apps for the Bridge Headset.


Bridget - A virtual robot in the real world developed specifically for the Bridge Mixed Reality headset. Calibrator


Developers tool such as the Bridge Engine Framework, Unity Plugin, Bridget Sample and Mixed Reality Sample are made available through a sign-up link via email sent to Bridge Explorer Edition customers.


Occipital was founded and backed by TechStart in 2008 as a mobile computer vision application development startup. Prior to launching Bridge, Occipital released Structure Sensor, a pioneer in a 3D sensor for the mobile device. In 2016, Occipital revealed Bridge, wiping off the boundary of fantasy and reality with leveraging the proven technology of Structure Sensor.


December 2016 - Bridge Explorer Edition Released March 2017 - Bridge Released
