3D Audio: Designing Sounds for VR

3D Audio: Designing Sounds for VR
Event Oculus Connect 2
Type Talk, Game & App Design
Speaker Tom Smurdon
Location Loews Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, CA, U.S.
Date 9/23/2015
Time 2:30PM PST
Duration 60 minutes
3D Audio: Designing Sounds for VR is a Game & App Design talk by Tom Smurdon (Audio Content Lead of Oculus VR) during the Oculus Connect 2 on September 23, 2015.


3D audio is critical for creating a believable virtual world, and sound design for VR is very different from traditional games or movies. This talk will cover VR audio techniques including building immersive ambiences, attenuation curves, mixing and player focus. You’ll hear some of the sound design tricks used in the Oculus demos, and learn more about how to work with the Audio SDK to create authentic and compelling experiences.


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