Google Glass

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Google Glass
Google glass1.jpg
Basic Info
Type Augmented Reality Wearable
Platform Android
Developer Google
Manufacturer Foxconn
Release Date April 15, 2013
Price $1,500
Website Google Glass Website
CPU OMAP 4430 SoC, dual-core
Storage 16 GB Flash
Memory 2GB RAM
Display Prism Projector
Resolution 640 × 360
Tracking Accelerometer, Gyroscope
Camera Photos-5MP, Videos-720p
Connectivity Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth, Micro USB
Power 570mAh Internal lithium-ion battery
Weight 43g
Input Voice Commands, Touchpad, MyGlass Smartphone App
"Augmented Reality]] Wearable" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

Google Glass is an Augmented Reality device developed by Google. It features a optical head-mounted display that generates information similar to that of a smartphone. Unlike a smartphone, Google Glass allows the user to interact with the device in a hands-free manner. Users can use voice commands communicate with Google Glass.

Google Glass was initially released on April 15, 2013 for 1,500 dollars for a limited time. It became available to general public on May 15, 2014. On January 15, 2014, Google ended the production of the Google Glass but pledged that they were still working on the project.


Google Glass can be worn by itself or attached onto eyeglass frames. Its uses a Field Sequential Color LCoS to project rendered images. When images are synthesized, these images are passed through a series of lens elements that direct them to the user's retina. The user perceives a small translucent screen hovering at about arms length, extended up and outward from the right eye. The position of the screen layer depends on the position of Google Glass.

Google Glass has a touchpad on the side of its device. It allows user to slide through apps, events and other timeline-like interfaces.

Google Glass' camera can take 5MP photos and 720p videos.


MyGlass is Google Glass' companion app for Android and iOS. The app allows users to set up, manage and configure their Glass.

Apps for Google Glass include a suite of Google's own apps include Google Now, Google Maps and Gmail and apps created by third-party developers such as Evernote, New York Times and Path.

Voice Commands

To activate voice commands, the user of either tilt his or her head 30 degrees upward or tap the touchpad then say "O.K. Glass". User will see a list of available voice commands. User can say one of the commands or scroll through the list by tilting his or her head up or down.

Common commands include:

Voice Command Function Additional Information
"ok glass" Activates voice command
"google (term)" Performs Google search on the term
"take a picture" Takes a picture
"record a video" Records a video
"get directions to (location)" Get directions to a location
"send a message to (name) ... (content)" Sends a message to a person on your contact list Say the person's name then the content of your message. When you're done speaking you have a few seconds to cancel the message. You can cancel by swiping down on your touchpad. Messages are sent by email unless you are using the MyGlass app then you can send by SMS.
"make a call to (name)" Makes a call to someone Requires connection to your phone's blue tooth.
